Love the lion pulls.
I found this on the back of the drawer! "Bought new in Jan 1950". Love!
I lightly sanded it and used wood fill for the bigger dings. Notice the globe-it's a lamp! Scored that for $10 at the thrift store when my 5 year old made me go to the collectibles case to see the Star Wars ships. He got a little ship as a reward for helping his Momma out!
The drawer sanded. I sanded for like 10 minutes not forever because I hate sanding. The goal wasn't to take off every bit of the old finish just enough that the new stain would absorb. I didn't fill in every little ding or try and make the surface perfect. I loved the character of the piece and just fixed the stuff that was big and obvious.
Then I applied some Minwax stain in Dark Walnut followed by a coat of Poly.
LOVE it!! It has a nice finish that will be more durable now but I think I still kept the aged look of the piece. I think I'm going to leave the Lions as is too and not spray paint them. What do you think? Spray paint the lions, leave them?
So glad I tried staining something. It was surprisingly fast and easy. It took less than 30 minutes to wood fill, sand, stain and poly the piece. Plus some dry time between the steps. Easy!