I got it at the local Savers store for $25. It was in pretty good condition.
I didn't sand it but I did clean it really good and put some liquid deglosser on it. Then I primed it with Glidden gripper primer. Put two coats of Behr's Asparagus in Satin and them put a few coats of Polycrylic on just the top. Total I think it took like an 1.5 hours not including all the drying times between coats.
I bought two new pulls from Home Depot for the drawers. They are Martha Stewart ones and I LOVE them. They were $4 each and I used the same ones on the corner desk in the office. I spray painted the existing knobs with the same satin nickel paint I used on the map dresser.
Love how close the spray painted ones look to the store bought ones. Plus I saved some $$ reusing.
Cute! I just love paint. It's so fun to see what you can do with a little effort and something outdated from the thrift store.