So I started by making the makeup. Because when you are going to start making a little girls purse the most logical thing would be to mess with wet, smelly nail polish. Right? It was super easy. I actually had to buy the containers since I did not have bunch laying around. I got them at the 100 yen store which is like the Japanese dollar store. But if the economy is bad it's like the Japanese $1.18 store because of the exchange rate. Nice.
Anyway totally underestimate how much nail polish you will need for this project. I made 5 eye makeups and 5 blushes with like 4/5 bottles of nail polish. I thought it would take like 9/10 so now I have a ton of nail polish left. More fake makeup in my future. When the nail polish was gone I just put them upside down after banging out the little metal bead and let them dry too. Then you can have fake nail polish as well. I made a bunch because Hello! perfect birthday present for my nieces.
Once my makeup was poured I stuck it outside to dry because man that stuff was stinky. Then it was time for

So I started with this lovely bag that I'm pretty sure my Mom got from the REAL dollar store in America. E loves this bag but it's really hard for her to carry on her shoulder because the handles are stiff. I will not go into how hideous I find this bag because my mother bought it and my daughter loves it. But I will not miss it when it
Then I started cutting my fabric. You are going to need 2 pieces of outer fabric that is 12x11 and 2 pieces of liner fabric that is 12x11. Then I cut out the fabric for the handles that were about 3.5 inches by 14 inches, you will need 2 of those as well. If you choose really lightweight fabric for the outer part you may want to interface it so it will have more body. I had some heavyweight Japanese fabric leftover from another project so I didn't use any interfacing.
Then I took the handle strip and ironed it in half lengthwise.
Then opened it and ironed one half to the ironed line in the middle.
Then ironed the other half to the ironed middle so that it looks like this and both sides are almost touching.
Then fold it in half and iron again so that all the unfinished edges are in the middle. Then forget to take a picture of that part. Sorry. Anyway now sew right along both edges of the handles. I even sewed a decorative stitch down the middle because I wanted my purse fancy. The handle should now look like this. Now repeat all those steps for the other handle.
This is what you should have now. 2 finished handles. 1 magnetic fastener. 2 liner pieces and 2 front pieces.
If you want to embellish the front of your purse now is your chance! I appliqued an E with wonder under and sewed a little ruffle using some scraps.
Now take your front and back pieces and put them right sides together.
Then sew around the sides and bottom leaving the top open.
It should look like this.
Then take your liner pieces and put some interfacing where you are going to put your magnetic closure. I usually just cut a little square of iron on interfacing and put it on. The interfacing goes on the back side of your liner.
Then put your magnetic closure on. I usually trace where I want it.
Then use the seam ripper to rip my two little lines for my holes.
Then stick the prongs through.
And bend them down. Love these little closure things. I bought a ton of them from some purse supplier forever ago and they are great for all kinds of stuff.
Now repeat for the other side of the closure making sure they are in the same spot so they will fasten.
Now put your liner right sides together and sew sides and bottom except leave about 4 inches on the bottom so that you can turn the purse when it's finished.
I wanted the bottom of my purse to sit flat so I boxed the corners at the bottom (I think that is what it's called but I could be wrong). You just take the bottom corner and poke it out into a triangle measuring to be sure you make all the sides the same.
Then sew down the part you measured off.
Then cut off the excess. I usually turn my project before cutting off the extra fabric to make sure my corners are even and how I want them. Once you cut then you can't unpick and fix stuff. Verify, then cut.
The bottom corners of the liner and outer bag should look like this.
Now attach your handles. I just measured 2 inches from each edge and sewed the handle to the outer part of the purse.
So now your purse should look like this. Everything finished except for the top edge.
Now take your liner and push it into your purse. The right sides of all the fabrics should be facing each other. You should only see the back of the liner and the back of the purse. Like this.
Now sew all around the top of the purse. Be careful going over the handles and the edges because it can be kind of thick depending on the fabric you chose.
Now pull the liner out of the purse like this.
Then pull the purse out of the hole in the liner.
Now sew the hole in the liner closed. Now "primp" your purse. Make sure all the corners are pushed out. Snip the remaining threads. Then press around the top edge of the purse.

After pressing sew around the top edge. You can sew right on the edge or do something decorative.
Finished! Yay, now you can take your purse to run errands.
Or go out to dinner.

Just don't forget your makeup in case you need to do touch ups on your face while your out.